So I got off of work today all happy. Why you ask? I have the day off tomorrow! Maybe I can spend some time doing some weekly etsy finds. Anyway. Paper Flower Girl on flickr always does these moodboards that are always lovely. I loved her newest one so much even before I realized the first one is a photo I took in France. I felt so special.
thanks for being so patient with my lack of posts.
here's a shout-out to St. V's day which is tomorrow:
{which by the way, has caused havoc in the mall today} {photo by littlebluegirl on flickr.}
I know I should be careful with that term because it is derogatory for...something else...but today I am using it. Because I have a job. Hostessing for a restaurant. Please, inform me on your college job or funny experiences. I would love to know!
It's cold so your iPods need a place to keep warm as well. Since the Grammies are coming up, I figured I should do an iPod Cozy week. I paired each cozy with a song that goes (for example, if you like this cozy, you'll like this song). So here we go (ps I have no favorite this week):